Prophetic Words

Word given to Rodney Crewse from Prophet Timothy Dixon.


                Word given by Rodney Crewse                                                   01/08/22


1. 2022 is the year of the harvest for the seeds that have been sown, both good and bad. If you have sown bad seeds, repent quickly and sincerly.

2. Shakings will continue in both families and in the United States. These shakings are to bring things to the surface to be dealt with.

3. Judgement is coming upon politicians who have miss represented the Lord and those who have tried to destroy this country.

4. Judgement is also coming to those who have supported or voted for them.

5. The things the politicians have tried to put on others is going to turn back on them.

6. Finances and promotions are being released to those who have kept the faith.

7. A very well-known politician is going to die in an accident.

8. The Supreme Court is going to make 3 life changing decisions.


Special Notes:

Be sure to be found where the Lord would have you to be.

When the cloud moves, move with it, for those who did not perished.

Remove yourself from all ungodly associations.

Get your priorities lined out correctly.

Stay ready a all times for visitations, and to release the anointing on others, regardless of where you are at.  


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